How the DOD is using virtual, augmented reality
It’s no surprise that virtual reality and augmented reality is ubiquitous in video games, and has become popular in corporate America. But now government and public-sector agencies are adapting this technology in emergency services, transportation, urban planning, and even heritage and tourism.
Not surprisingly, the military and DOD has been at the forefront of the AR revolution. Even before augmented reality filters were used in social media, gaming and ecommerce (which is the simplest form of AR), the army had already implemented the technology of real-time overlaying for their fighter-jet pilots. And that’s just one example. Read on for more on how the DOD is using AR to take on the future.
The future of combat
Today’s battlespace is a constantly changing landscape in which our enemies possess the same technological capabilities. To combat these problems, the DOD and the military have turned to simulation modeling to create augmented reality environments for training purposes.
One example of this is the Air Force Agency for Modeling Simulation which trains fighters and develops new systems in order to keep pilots agile and combat-ready in any domain. These systems are augmented reality environments, which use full-scale 3D digital simulations of aircraft. Using VR goggles and body sensors, pilots enter immersive fight scenarios that train them for some of the most advanced stealth platforms.
Another example of how the DOD uses virtual reality is revolutionizing aircraft maintenance. Virtual scenarios allow trainees and engineers to walk inside a hangar with a piece of munition. They can then perform virtual maintenance, pull up a technical order in full-view mode, or even watch a video of someone performing a successful installation. As an added bonus, VR can be used to provide assistance to maintenance personnel in the field and remote locations, reducing the need for travel.
The tools for the job
Are you in the military sector and are looking for a partner in collaboration with Augmented Reality? Immersive-FX provides immersive simulations solutions with DigiDome. We work with all military agencies including the Military, Navy, Air Force, and DOD.